The author of four chapbooks, Clark has published poems in such journals as the Georgia Review, Iowa Review, Antioch Review, Crazyhorse, Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, Ploughshares, Gulf Coast, and Poetry Northwest. One of his poems was anthologized in The Notre Dame Review: The First Ten Years.
Clark also writes essays about literature, some of which have appeared in magazines such as the Iowa Review, Southern Review, and Contemporary Literary Criticism. A semi-regular contributor to The Georgia Review, he has published essays in books about Ruth Stone, Charles Wright, and Sandra McPherson.
Recipient of two teaching awards, Clark has written a textbook on writing poetry, The Mind’s Eye: A Guide to Writing Poetry (Pearson Longman). He spends summers teaching at the Rainier Writing Workshop, a low-residency MFA program in Tacoma, Washington.
Clark lives with his wife, Amy Hewes, on California’s central coast, where he continues to play hardball and city league softball “despite legs like ancient concrete and more injuries than Evel Knievel.”