The Consecrations
Called “tough, taut, and tender” by celebrated feminist author Sandra Gilbert, the “muscular narratives [and the] skillfully paced elegies and meditations” of The Consecrations hold to human love and empathy as tools to help weather what can seem imminent threats against personal and public life.
The Wanting
Winner of the Five Oaks Press chapbook prize, The Wanting is Kevin Clark’s hardscrabble poetic sequence about war and its effect on marital love.
Self-Portrait with Expletives
Published by Pleiades Press and distributed by LSU Press, Self-Portrait with Expletives is a winner the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Series Book Competition.
In the Evening of No Warning
Awarded a grant from the Academy of American Poets, In the Evening of No Warning (published by New Issues Poetry and Prose) was Kevin Clark’s first full-length poetry collection.
The Mind’s Eye: A Guide to Writing Poetry
The Mind’s Eye: A Guide to Writing Poetry features progressive gradation of writing exercises designed to give students fluency in the major aspects of contemporary poetry writing.